
God’s Equal: What Can We Know about Jesus’ Self-Understanding? is unavailable, but you can change that!

Through analysis of the Gospel accounts regarding Jesus’ claims to inaugurate the kingdom of God, his miracles, and the authority in which Jesus speaks throughout Scripture, Sigurd Grindheim builds a case for his argument that Jesus claim to be God’s son must be understood in light of his implicit claims to be God’s equal. Through a comprehensive examination of primary sources, Grindheim explains...

The grand vision that characterizes the teaching of Jesus is the breaking in of the kingdom of God. This vision provides a clue, not only to Jesus’ eschatology, but also to what he thought about himself. Most scholars agree that Jesus’ announcements about this kingdom show that he claims to speak for God in a special way. But in this chapter I intend to demonstrate that Jesus makes an even bolder claim for himself. He not only appears
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